A Cute Pink Dress.

When I was first pregnant, I was terrified to have a daughter. At age thirty-whatever, I was still not very nice to my own mom so I didn't want to deal with the drama.

Our first baby was a boy. When I was pregnant a second time, I wasn't any more eager to have a daughter, but I kind of expected it. Most of my friends with second kids had the opposite gender and I grew up with a brother (while my husband had a sister). It seemed like the normal thing. Then we had another son. Before deciding to try for a third child, we quietly admitted that it would be a little nice to have a daughter. We whispered it. Maybe things would be different than I feared. Plus, I think my husband would be an awesome father-to-a-daughter. Well, if you believe ultrasound and amnio, we are getting a third son this fall. And, done! So, it got me wondering about all the stuff I'll miss out on by not having a daughter. I look around at my nieces in their sweet matching dresses and my mind wanders. Yes, these musings are most definitely sexist. So, wrap me up in lace and bedazzle me! And thank god they hear our prayers having daughter. When she was a child I love wearing pink clothes to her .all about pink, I don't know why but she looks very cute wearing pink, she celebrate her first birthday wearing cute tutu pink dress,shes so adorable and elegant, a very cute cuddly baby. All of her stuff was pink. From feeding bottles and all stuff. My loving daughter now is not yet a baby but now an adorable bibo kid. She loves wearing Barbie dress, according to her wearing dress is so cute and makes her teenage look. One day while we are malling she saw something and told me mommy I want that to wore, guess what? She saw a teenage bopper model wearing pink tutu dress I smiled to her and told her your just a kid, enjoy being a kid. And she told me mommy I want to buy that kind of dress I want to wear on my birthday, she want to be like a little princess.

Having a daughter like her is so precious she knows how to look good with others. Relationship with your daughter can define her as she grows up and can make or break her self-confidence even after she becomes an adult. Show your daughter you love her as often as possible. Sometimes words are necessary to remind her that you love her and appreciate her even when you fight or seem tough. Other times a gesture is all you need to tell her what you want her to know your feelings. Be her parent, not her friend. When you want your daughter to know you love her, you may act like a friend more than a parent. Your daughter still needs guidance and discipline when applicable.as long as you live always give the best love.